Ready to be confident, turned on & unstoppable? with Lacey & Katya

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Hey there! I'm Lacey Haynes

I'm an introverted trailblazing British-Canadian living in the English countryside with my spirited toddler and very tall husband.

Since 2011 I’ve been teaching women how to be in their bodies, how to express themselves and how to expand into the fullest, boldest — and most importantly, truest! — version of themselves.

Fusing my diverse background as an experienced yoga teacher, international performer and feminist academic, with my gifts as an intuitive healer and hereditary seer, I’ve created a holistic system for healing and change to benefit women ready for radical transformation.

Hello! I'm Katya Nova

I'm the co-founder of FKNHÖNEY, host of Honey Talks Podcast, an Intimate Portrait Photographer and mother to two wild boys (with another on the way) living the island life in the Dominican Republic with my gorgeous husband, Rob. 

After self-healing pelvic prolapse following the freebirth of my second son, I realised just how little information was being shared to empower women in the postpartum period. I began to deepen my journey into sexuality, using pleasure as a way to heal my body.

I facilitate Women's Moon Gatherings, have studied yoga, Ayurveda, and ancient healing arts for women. I delight in creating transformational experiences for people in love and helping women rediscover their potential for pleasure.

What you'll learn in this free LIVE class


that’s keeping you from expanding into the fullness of who you are (this is radical, bold and utterly mind-blowing)!

How to up-level your body confidence...

and dramatically transform your relationship to pleasure and creativity.

How to get 100% internal clarity

Finally learn where your intuition and how to access it on the daily so that you make good decisions and succeed at whatever it is you do.

Passion, sustained sensuality & living a turned on life!

Re-wire your body for more passion, arousal and sustained sensuality so that you feel more alive, juicy and vibrant every. single. day.

Yes, let's do this!

Praise for previous classes

I was moved to tears twice.

Yessss girl yesssss!! Took the class this morning and took so many notes and was moved to tears twice. You’re doing incredible work! And? Doing the masterclass helped me make a really hard decision about my work that I’ve been fighting with in my head. Thank you thank you thank you! I am so grateful.

This is SO BIG!

I'm only 7 minutes in and I'm having fully body deep feelings! Lacey, this masterclass is EVERYTHING. I 'know' some of this and have heard it before, but the way you're saying it... it's like every sentence on those slides is coming home to every layer of my body. This is going to change so many women's lives. -Kate

That was hands down the best thing I've done for myself in ages.

I am buzzing from watching this class. I can't believe it was free. THANK YOU!!! The Sacred Triangle, that story about your grandfather, thinking about womanhood and femininity in this way, I'm like speechless. God, thinking about how I've been approaching intimacy. All this is going to change. I'm so grateful. Sign me up for whatever you do next. -Kim

Thank you thank you for that incredible masterclass!

It's everything I've been looking for and everything I want to feel, so I just want to tell you how appreciative I am that you're sharing these magnificent tools and teachings.


You're the first teacher I've come across who actually gives advice on HOW to heal generational trauma (rather than simply acknowledging that it may exist), and this is so exciting!

I am beyond grateful to you.

I have realised my failure to be intimate with my husband off and on through our 14 years together was something missing inside of me. Repression from society not to be sensual, even though it was in the confines of our private life. I hate that I let worldly things effect my sensuality and being with my husband. Now my marriage is hopefully on the mend. I need and crave continuing my healing journey! Thank you for this gift.

... My mind is blown.

I fully felt what you were saying in the masterclass and I could fully feel the truth in it. I am grateful for you sharing such a wonderful gift about the Sacred Triangle. For women like me who feel stuck because of finances, and the layers of living without pleasure, it's powerful for you to serve and help in this way. So much gratitude. -Amanda

Alright, I'm in!